We have our Lives ,our Democracy, our Planet... here and now, not in some future, near or far.

Saturday, April 27th at a campaign rally in Wisconsin, Trump doubled down on his promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act, despite the fact that doing so would rip healthcare away from more than 20 million Americans.
Should Teachers Carry Guns? The Debate, Explained
Florida Legislature Votes ‘Yes’ To Arming Teachers
Texas Senate Advances Bill To Make It Clearer That Guns Are Allowed In Churches
What are the Russians Doing in Venezuela?
There are multiple international dynamics at play in Venezuela this week, particularly between the U.S., which is supporting the uprising of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, and Russia, a supporter of the government of Nicolas Maduro.
- Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a strong and unusually public allegation this week that President Maduro was ready to leave the country and that Russia had convinced him to stay.
- Russian officials denied it and called Washington’s ‘interference’ in the country a “most grave violation of international law.” [The Cipher Brief, May 3, 2019]
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Any books listed are random or topic-related to something else in the post. Think of these as a "library bookshelf" to browse. They are shared for informational or entertainment value only, not as being recommended.
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