The world is incomprehensible. - Carlos Castaneda
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What Makes Technology Good or Bad for Us?
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FCA board approves final notice of intent on regulatory burden
McLEAN, Va., May 9, 2019 — At its monthly meeting today, the Farm Credit Administration board approved a final notice of intent regarding regulatory burden. The notice will be published in the Federal Register.
The final notice responds to comment letters the agency received after issuing a 2017 notice of intent and request for comment. The 2017 notice invited the public to help identify FCA regulations that may be duplicative, ineffective, burdensome, or not based on law.
Closed session
During the closed session, the FCA board received a periodic report from the Office of Secondary Market Oversight.
Notational vote
Since the April 9 FCA board meeting, one notational vote has occurred. On April 25, the board authorized the agency’s chief financial officer to make an internal reallocation of funds. Notational votes are actions taken by the FCA board between board meetings.
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“The kind of technology-mediated interactions that lead to positive outcomes are exactly those that are likely to build stronger relationships”
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