We encounter God in the face of a stranger. -- Jonathan Sacks

“We encounter God in the face of a stranger. That, I believe, is the Hebrew Bible’s single greatest and most counterintuitive contribution to ethics. God creates difference; therefore it is in one-who-is-different that we meet god. Abraham encounters God when he invites three strangers into his tent.” 
― Jonathan Sacks




Dentist Killed in Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting Tried to 'Heal the World' With Work Treating Immigrants and Refugees

Trump orders new curbs on asylum seekers but legal challenge likely

Army Veteran and Police Officer: How One Refugee Gives Back

Migrant caravan groups arrive by hundreds at US border

I’m angry, and I’m heartbroken. I know you are, too.
Families who have lost everything are part of a migrant caravan headed to the border. They are seeking safety, and they have every right to. That’s why I’m writing to you today — to ask for your immediate support.
These mothers, fathers, and children are navigating the dangerous journey to the United States, as well as the complicated legal process of exercising their legal right to ask for asylum.
The Trump administration is manufacturing a crisis at the border. And families and children continue to bear the brunt of this administration’s actions — being held in overflowing shelters, including an emergency tent city with minimal standards of care.
Gloria* and her 12-year-old daughter, Devora,* are the face of what is happening right now. They fled Honduras after Gloria suffered years of sexual abuse from Devora’s father — who raped Gloria so brutally she needed vaginal surgery. Gloria and Devora were separated for 53 days in the U.S. before being reunited behind bars at a detention center in Dilley, Texas.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: I’ve been on the ground in Tornillo, Texas with our team of researchers — who have deployed to the infamous tent city built to house the overflow of detained children. I’ve met children who have been jailed simply for fleeing violence in their home country.
Amnesty has also sent a research team to Mexico, to document the stories of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers who are part of the caravan that is seeking safety and protection.
I know you care deeply about human rights — and families and children. Thank you so very much for your thoughtful consideration and action today.

Margaret Huang
Executive Director
Amnesty International USA


Hate crimes

Hate crimes were up, significantly, in the US last year, according to just-released numbers from the FBI. Reported incidents rose 17% in 2017 compared to 2016. Of 7,106 single-bias hate crimes reported last year:
  • 59.6% of victims were targeted because of the offenders' race/ethnicity/ancestry bias [Good Morning from CNN, November 14, 2018]






NOTE: I have no official connection to any organization from which information is shared.. Occasionally, I post informational material and/or an opportunity to donate or join as  a "community service" announcement.  These again are shared for their varying perspectives.

Any commercial or business interest information shared is purely informational, not an endorsement.  I have no connection with any such commercial or business interest.

Any books listed are random or topic-related to something else in the post.  Think of these as a "library bookshelf" to browse.  They are shared for informational or entertainment value only, not as being recommended.
