In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. - Michael Jackson

In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe. – Michael Jackson




From the editor

Hello readers, nature lovers and public lands enthusiasts,

It's been a busy few months for America's public lands. September saw the release of a major climate change report that found national parks are bearing the brunt of global warming – with parks heating up twice as fast as the national average. Meanwhile, an ongoing battle over "billionaire's beach" came to a head as the supreme court rejected Vinod Khosla's effort to cut off public access to a popular California surf spot – a victory for those fighting the privatization of public lands. And in October, we revealed the Trump administration is moving to restrict the information it releases about its discussions of endangered species, an effort that advocates see as part of a continued attempt to weaken protections for wildlife.

As we move into the final months of 2018, we wanted to invite your feedback, questions and ideas. Which stories from the year have resonated with you most? What issues do you think we should be covering more? Is there a new book or report that we've missed? Are there debates, anecdotes, or success stories in your community that we should know about? If so, get in touch:

We look forward to keeping the conversation going.

The Guardian, October  26, 2018

Biodiversity Briefing: Conservation + Politics
Preserving public lands in this political landscape. Fighting climate change in this political climate. Saving wildlife in these wild times.

How do we do it?

In our latest quarterly "Biodiversity Briefing" phone call, Executive Director Kierán Suckling confronts the issue head on. Among other things, Kierán says, "We need to engage in shifting the political spectrum back toward the middle and getting people in office who support the environment and human health."

These personal phone briefings, including Q&A sessions, are open to all members of the Center's Leadership Circle and Owls Club. For information on how to join and be invited to participate live on the calls, email Senior Development Associate Celia Bavier or call her at (520) 623-5252 x 312. Listen to the briefing.
Center for Biological Diversity, November 8, 2018

It’s time to get to the bottom of Zinke’s attempt to gut Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments so the fossil fuel industry could drill and mine there -- with devastating impacts on local communities. Or his plan to massively ramp up oil and gas drilling off our coasts. And we need know what’s driving him to rush stripping protections from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.  That move could lead to Big Oil wiping out the porcupine caribou herd, which Alaska’s Gwich’in people have relied on for millennia.
Already, there are at least 17 federal investigations into Zinke’s corruption. These investigations are an important step in finding out if Zinke is abusing his position to benefit himself and his friends in the oil industry as he guts our bedrock protections for public lands.
But we need your help to continue sounding the alarm in the media, to the public, and to Members of Congress. Our wild places, wildlife, and communities across the country are at stake.
Donate now and help shine a light on Zinke’s corruption -- and what it means for our communities and wild places!
Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio,
Senior fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth Action


Samurai Champloo — Classic Anime.

Even if you’re not an anime fan, this classic series, available on Hulu, is worth watching an episode. If you do, you’ll no doubt watch the other 25 episodes, refusing all food and contact with the outside world until you are done. The set-up: A tea shop waitress ends up on an inadvertent samurai adventure, with a stylish mash-up of hip-hop and Edo-period Japanese history. Keep your eye out for the classic fight scene situated in a burning field of marijuana.

Salt Fat Acid Heat — Slow Food Porn.

This isn’t a cooking show exactly — though you’ll see lots of cooking going on from chef and host Samin Nosrat, there’s no traditional instruction. Rather this Netflix show reminds you how to truly enjoy food, as Nosrat so obviously does. Lovingly shot, this four-episode treasure follows Nosrat on her travels to find the best of the best, offering tips about cooking, eating and tasting … and generally proving that Nosrat is the heir to Anthony Bourdain.

Kika — Rogue Spanish Melodrama.

Nobody does trashy, flashy black comedy like Pedro Almodovar, and Kika, released in 1993, is a high-wire act that follows an escaped rapist/porn star, a tabloid journalist, a serial killer and make-up artist Kika. Almodovar’s zany, colorful film — which doesn’t shy away from violence, so consider yourself warned — doesn’t make much sense, but who cares? That was never the point. [OZY WEEKENDER, October 26, 2018]






NOTE: I have no official connection to any organization from which information is shared.. Occasionally, I post informational material and/or an opportunity to donate or join as  a "community service" announcement.  These again are shared for their varying perspectives.

Any commercial or business interest information shared is purely informational, not an endorsement.  I have no connection with any such commercial or business interest.

Any books listed are random or topic-related to something else in the post.  Think of these as a "library bookshelf" to browse.  They are shared for informational or entertainment value only, not as being recommended.
