Weigh/Way too much Moo Shu Pork




Donald Trump: I Will Never Be a ‘Fan’ of John McCain

Trump meets today with newly elected Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, a far-right, divisive leader known as the "Trump of the Tropics." Just what South America needs. Bolsonaro thinks Trump is the bee's knees; his foreign minister has called Trump the "savior of the West." (Some don't think he's even the savior of the West Wing.)

According to German media company Deutsche Welle, Bolsonaro shares many similarities with Trump: He uses social media to whip his supporters into a frenzy, disdains that pesky notion of the separation of powers (he once suggested abolishing Brazil's Congress), strongly supports the gun lobby, is an anti-globalist, believes climate change is a myth, thinks international organizations are nuisances, and hates honest media outlets.

And then there's this, from Al Jazeera: "The opposition to Bolsonaro has been driven by his numerous discriminatory comments on race, gender and sexual orientation, as well as remarks in favour of torture and Brazil's former military dictatorship, in power from 1964 to 1985, which have angered and alarmed millions of Brazilians.

"Bolsonaro has described having a daughter as a 'weakness,' told a congresswoman she was 'too ugly' to be raped, claimed some black people were not 'even good for procreation,' and said he would rather one of his four sons 'die in an accident' than be gay."

Administration officials are positively giddy at the prospect of being able to forge a strong alliance with Brazil, the second-largest economy in the Western Hemisphere after the US. Today's formal bilateral talks will focus on trade, security issues, and the Venezuelan political and humanitarian crisis. Brazil also wants to be named a "major non-NATO ally," an important designation that could allow it to buy military equipment.

For his part, Trump is there simply to bask in Bolsonaro's adulation. [Fast Forward, March 19, 2019]






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