Inextricable interconnectedness of I-ness/me-ness and we-ness/us-ness is the round for an authentic solidarity with one another

“I fully recognize there is an urgent need for constructing the _strategic we-nes-in-sameness_ and promoting the _solidarity of sameness_. The sheer realization of the inextricable interconnectedness of I-ness/me-ness and we-ness/us-ness is the round for an authentic solidarity with one another in spite of and regardless of the difference.”  --  Namsoon Kang





Gray wolf
Center for     Biological     Diversity   
It's Time to Kick Our Wolf Campaign Into High Gear
It's official: Just hours ago the Trump administration rolled out its official plan to strip protection from nearly every wolf in the lower 48. We're kicking our activism into high gear and need you with us.
Hundreds of the Center for Biological Diversity's Ignite Change volunteers attended more than 60 Wild for Wolves events across the country last week, including a protest outside the White House. It was an amazing outpouring — exactly what's needed to create a real future for wolves.
The coming months will be critical to stopping Trump from taking us back to the days when wolves were trophy hunted and recklessly trapped and poisoned. We need all hands on deck to speak out, gather comments, organize locally and attend events.

Don't sit this one out. Join Ignite Change volunteers around the country, and we'll connect you with other activists in your area. And consider donating to our Wolf Defense Fund, too.

TRUMP 2020

Trump has two campaign appearances today in Ohio, one in Lima at a tank manufacturing plant, and the other in Canton at a country club, one of the rare occasions that he will deign to visit a club he doesn't own. [Fast Forward, March 20, 2019]






NOTE: I have no official connection to any organization from which information is shared.. Occasionally, I post informational material and/or an opportunity to donate or join as  a "community service" announcement.  These again are shared for their varying perspectives.

Any commercial or business interest information shared is purely informational, not an endorsement.  I have no connection with any such commercial or business interest.

Any books listed are random or topic-related to something else in the post.  Think of these as a "library bookshelf" to browse.  They are shared for informational or entertainment value only, not as being recommended.
