American realist landscape painter Winslow Homer's iconic 1893 Fox Hunt depicts the popular nineteenth-century notion of crows as symbols of doom. In the painting, two low-flying crows harass a red fox as he makes his way over a snowy landscape, while in the background more crows lurk ominously. In life, corvids and canids often team up as hunting partners -- ravens lead wolves to prey, which the wolves can open with their teeth so the ravens can partake.
In 1989, the British House of Lords rose in outrage against a proposal that corvids should receive some sort of protection, like other birds. One lawmaker cried out in reply, 'Capital punishment for the thieving and murderous magpie!' (But what if all the ravens -- fellow corvids -- left the Tower of London? Legend warns this would spell the fall of the Kingdom, and to prevent such a catastrophe, the nation employs a royal raven keeper.) ...
excerpts from Birdology by Sy Montogomery
NOTE: The news sources here vary. Not all sources have the same credibility, but in an effort to share some different perspectives, they are included here. This compendium itself cannot claim to be unbiased. Please take into consideration where these different perspectives originate in assessing their value. Thank you
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