A collection of news from a variety of news sources on current topics of interest, as well as some unique subjects. The credibility of news sources cannot be guaranteed. Different perspectives are included.
Trump unleashed a tweetstorm yesterday to blame Democrats for wanting to shut down the government, even though they're working with Republicans on a long-term spending deal:
"I'm very highly educated. I know words, I know the best words. But there's no better word than stupid."
TRUMP: I've developed great relationships with all of these leaders... . He's [the Italian prime minister is] going to end up paying. But you know, nobody ever asked the question. Nobody asked. Nobody ever asked him to pay up. So it's a different kind of a presidency.
DIRECTLY FROM MEDIAS' MOUTHS"As for the 100 days, Trump did set himself up for review, but I can’t recall any other president being so thoroughly — or gleefully — scrutinized on this account. This doesn’t make the media “fake news,” it should be needless to say, but the extent of the reviews, regurgitated ad infinitum these past several days, was political gluttony." --
Trump wanted to make sure that he was given adequate credit for his achievements, even in his administration’s infancy. “We’ve only been here for a tiny speck of time,” he said, “and what I’ve done with regulations, moving jobs back into the country, what I’ve done with airplane pricing and buying is amazing. We’ve done a lot. I think we’ve done more than anybody for this short period of time.” Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson would take exception to this claim. And Trump’s significant actions to date have consisted entirely of executive orders. What he has not yet demonstrated is his ability to actually shepherd a bill into law. -- New York Times Magazine BYROBERT DRAPER
NOTE: The news sources here vary. Not all sources have the same credibility, but in an effort to share some different perspectives, they are included here. This compendium itself cannot claim to be unbiased. Please take into consideration where these different perspectives originate in assessing their value. Thank you.
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