"You know, it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass." - Donald Trump




September 17, 1862, the Union Army of the Potomac halted Robert E. Lee’s offensive into Maryland with a day of brutal and bloody fighting beside Antietam Creek, near Sharpsburg. With the Union’s victory, President Abraham Lincoln felt emboldened to issue his Emancipation Proclamation, setting the United States of America on the path to a “new birth of freedom.” [Civil War Trust, September 19, 2017]

For a young nation, the United States is blessed with an unusually large number of fascinating and dramatic historic events. There is no denying, however, that the defining event of American history was the Civil War. Not only did 620,000 brave young soldiers lose their lives, the very meaning of America was determined for all time.

If the Civil War was the defining event of American history, the surrender of the fabled Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House just may be the defining moment of the American Civil War. The magnanimity and compassion in victory demonstrated by Ulysses S. Grant and the humility in defeat shown by Robert E. Lee continue to serve as examples to people of all ages. Grant, for his part, later wrote, “I felt like anything rather than rejoicing at the downfall of a foe who had fought so long and valiantly, and had suffered so much for a cause, though that cause was, I believe, one of the worst for which a people ever fought, and one for which there was the least excuse. I do not question, however, the sincerity of the great mass of those who were opposed to us.” [Civil War Trust, September 21, 2017]

TRUMP BREAKS 'DISHONESTY RECORD': The Toronto Star's Daniel Dale, who has closely tracked Trump's unprecedented number of falsehoods on the trail and in office, writes that the president has "broken his own dishonesty record for the third consecutive month." He made 321 false claims in office in August, topping 280 in July and 268 in June, according to Dale. [Morning Media, September 13, 2018]

Take Action: Last week’s hearings on Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, amounted to a sham. Not only have Republicans blocked thousands of documents about Kavanaugh, they are rushing the process to get him confirmed despite explosive information about the nominee. Democrats revealed that Kavanaugh made perjured statements in denying his use of confidential memos, letters and talking points stolen from Democrats. This occurred during the George W. Bush administration when Kavanaugh was vetting controversial judicial nominees that Democrats fiercely opposed. Under questioning by Democrats last week, Kavanaugh replied with the absurd claim that he thought the information was not confidential. 

Newly released emails show that the stolen confidential documents were taken by a Republican Senate aide, Manuel Miranda, and delivered to Kavanaugh. Later during Senate Judiciary Committee hearings in 2004 and 2006 when Kavanaugh was being considered for a seat on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Kavanaugh repeatedly lied under oath about receiving and using the stolen information.

For lying multiple times to the Senate, Kavanaugh should not only be dismissed as the nominee being considered for a seat on the Supreme Court, but the documented acts of perjury should cause him to be removed from his current judgeship on the Appeals Court. Brett Kavanaugh should do the honorable thing and withdraw his name from consideration.

The Senate Judiciary Committee’s rushed and corrupted process shows that the Republicans want their man on the Court so badly that they are hiding documents and are willing to ignore criminal law so that this individual who has committed perjury may sit on the Supreme Court. Contact your Senators!

Congressional Twitter handles and Facebook accounts can be found here.

Your Message: If your Senator is supporting or “undecided” about Kavanaugh, contact them as a constituent: “I believe that Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, must not be confirmed. He has lied multiple times to the Senate and has shown himself to be unqualified for such a critically important position. The fact that Kavanaugh, as a counsel in the George W. Bush White House, received stolen confidential information, used it to promote controversial judicial nominees and then later lied to Senate Judiciary Committee members about these documents should not only disqualify him from the High Court, but he should be removed from his current DC appeals court judgeship.”

“Further, I believe that the documents which are being blocked by the Republicans may reveal even more misdeeds on the part of the nominee. Brett Kavanaugh should do the honorable thing and withdraw his name from consideration. I ask you to advocate for the nominee’s withdrawal and for the Senate Judiciary Committee to halt these rushed and sham proceedings to place an unqualified person on the High Court.”

If your Senator is opposing Kavanaugh, thank them and then tweet and broadcast your outrage:

Congressional Twitter handles and Facebook accounts can be found here.

Resources: Please watch, spread and share this video on Kavanaugh's lies during his hearing last week. It targets Susan Collins specifically on her impending vote on Kavanaugh.

· Facebook Link: Kavanaugh Lies

· Twitter Link: Kavanaugh Lies

Sample Social Media: Perhaps repeatedly lying to the American people should disqualify you from serving on our nation’s highest court. Just a thought. #StopKavanaugh @SenatorCollins

If you are caught repeatedly lying to the American people while under oath, you shouldn’t be granted a lifetime appointment to our nation’s highest court. #StopKavanaugh @SenatorCollins

Brett Kavanaugh:
Lied under oath Lied to the American people Lied to sitting senators - are you listening, @SenatorCollins? 

And Republicans are still trying to cram his confirmation through the Senate. NOT ON OUR WATCH. #StopKavanaugh

Press forward,

Toni Van Pelt
[National Action Program, NOW, September 14, 2018]




KUSHNER'S WORLDVIEW, via NYT's Mark Landler: "Three days after the Trump administration evicted the Palestine Liberation Organization from its offices in Washington, Jared Kushner defended the latest in a string of punitive actions against the Palestinians and insisted that none of them had diminished the chances of a peace accord between Israel and the Palestinians.
"Speaking on Thursday, 25 years to the day after the Oslo peace accords were signed on the White House lawn not far from his West Wing office, Mr. Kushner said President Trump had actually improved the chances for peace by stripping away the "false realities" that surround Middle East peacemaking.
"'There were too many false realities that were created — that people worship — that I think needed to be changed,' he said in an interview. 'All we're doing is dealing with things as we see them and not being scared out of doing the right thing. I think, as a result, you have a much higher chance of actually achieving a real peace.'" NYT [POLITCO Playbook, September 14, 2018]





ENCRYPTION FIGHT DOWN UNDER — Opposition continues to mount against pending legislation in Australia that would expand government powers to request or compel tech companies to hand over encrypted information, and to expand authorities for the government to conduct its own hacking. "The measure creates new authorities that can be exercised broadly without appropriate legal standards or necessary safeguards," digital rights group Access Now wrote Monday. "If exercised as written these authorities will have a deleterious impact on digital security while actually increasing the potential for criminal activity." Additionally, the government hacking provisions should be separated entirely from the bill and delayed until further study about existing government hacking powers, Access Now wrote. [POLITICO's Morning Cybersecurity, September 11, 2018]

NOTE: I have no official connection to any organization from which information is shared.. Occasionally, I post informational material and/or an opportunity to donate or join as  a "community service" announcement.  These again are shared for their varying perspectives.

Any commercial or business interest information shared is purely informational, not an endorsement.  I have no connection with any such commercial or business interest.

Any books listed are random or topic-related to something else in the post.  Think of these as a "library bookshelf" to browse.  They are shared for informational or entertainment value only, not as being recommended.
