Is Any Sport Worth it?

Is fame, honor and glory along with a lucrative amount of money worth loss of memory and self because of a "Swiss cheese" brain?

Photos of a normal brain (top) compared  With the brain of Greg Ploetz (bottom), who played defensive tackle for the Texas Longhorns and who suffered from severe chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
Boston University Photography




"Pascal is ... producing Steven Spielberg's next film, a Nixon-era newspaper drama [about the Pentagon Papers] called 'The Papers' [originally titled 'The Post'], which is already white-hot as an Oscar contender, in part because of President Trump's war with the news media. Starring Meryl Streep [as Kay Graham] and Tom Hanks [as Ben Bradlee], it will be released by 20th Century Fox on Dec. 22."  

 Warning: This Drug May Kill You, an HBO documentary: Well-done piece on addiction to opioids brought on after taking painkillers for treatment.





House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) and the panel’s chairman, Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Tex.), have said they intend to pursue a deficit-neutral reform bill, meaning the savings would have to be found in other programs under the committee’s jurisdiction — such as Medicare, disability aid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and unemployment compensation.

The Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which has explored cuts to the federal workforce and to federal employee benefits, would be required to find $32 billion in deficit savings, while the Education and Workforce Committee, which has jurisdiction over college aid programs, would have to find $20 billion.

“Clearly, no budget, no tax reform.” That comment made by House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady on Thursday, and then again for good measure on Monday [July 24], is the primary selling point on which House Republican leaders are hoping to whip up enough support to pass their fiscal 2018 budget resolution. Yet that pitch has done little to appease the naysayers.

NOTE: The news sources here vary.  Not all sources have the same credibility, but in an effort to share some different perspectives, they are included here.  This compendium itself cannot claim to be unbiased.  Please take into consideration where these different perspectives originate in assessing their value.  Thank you.
